Classroom Details |
Purchased(30) Trigger Flat Guitar Capo |
From the Teacher
Happy Spring and thank you! Since receiving your gift of guitar tuners and capos the students have put on three concerts. Because of your gift, the students have learned to become more independent musicians who are able to change keys more efficiently and tune their instruments when they need to be adjusted.
At this time of year, as winter subsides and spring weather frequents the forecast, vastly changing temperatures are common. As a result, both the metal and plastic strings are expanding and contracting at an accelerated rate, causing the tuning to fluctuate even more than normal. Your gift of the electronic tuners allows the students to monitor these fluctuations independently. This not only allows for more class time devoted to playing and learning, but it also builds student's confidence and musical ear.
Thank you again for your gift of the capos and electronic tuners. You have made a big difference in these student's music education and improved the offerings of the music program for years to come. Thank you so very much for taking the time to donate to our program and for making a difference in our school and the lives of these emerging musicians.
-Ms. Brown
From the Students