` ` Classroom 059 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 059

Classroom Details

Los Angeles, CA
Donation: $264
Ms. Bergan's Classroom


Ceramic Brush Set/Blick Glaze Detail
Pottery Tool Set/8/Pc Beginner
Rolling Pins/8In Wood
Wire Loop Sgraffito/6 1/4In Tool
16 Ceramic Brushes
Catalyst Wedge/Contour-82, 84 Taupe
Boxwd Clay Tool Sets/Set10 6In
3M Commercial Sponge

From the Teacher

Thank you so much for your generous donations, the students are really excited for this new opportunity at our school! The students are really enjoying having the proper tools to make their art projects and are excited about learning the proper ways of using them; and are inventing some new ways as well! 

We are using the supplies to build our clay projects. We have already used the rolling pins for rolling out slabs for the base of our vessels, the needle tools for carving details onto our animals, and the wooden tools for shaping projects. The students are really appreciative of having the right tools to use while building their projects and learning how to use them to make ceramic pieces. 

This project has really benefited us by expanding our art program, and we are reaching more students who would not have taken the drawing and painting art classes. Ceramics opens up art to students who love to build things, and enjoy the tactile nature of the medium; giving these students a creative outlet they would not had otherwise. This project has helps us get the right tools for the job is really helping students achieve better, more detailed projects and grow our art department at our school! Once again, thank you for your support.

-Ms. Bergan

From the Students


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