` ` Classroom 072 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 072

Classroom Details

New York City, NY
Donation: $327
Mr. Covotsos' Classroom


(2) Robotics Shield Kit (for Arduino)
(2) The Arduino Starter Kit (Official Kit from Arduino)

From the Teacher

My students were extremely excited when the resources were received. They were very eager to begin working with their new resources. These students are very hard working and motivated and really love science, technology, engineering, and math. It was great as an educator to see how motivated and excited they were.

Currently we are using the resources as a supplement for our Lego robotic team. The students are very good with building Lego robots and doing some basic programming, but these resources have brought them to an entire new level. As high achieving students, this has really helped make them think and work on a higher level.

This project has really helped boost student learning because it gives them the opportunity to work on a higher level. They have often expressed to me that they were not being challenged and I could see that they were not challenged. Therefore, I can use these resources to ask them to think critically as they apply their understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

-Mr. Covotsos

From the Students


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