` ` Classroom 078 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 078

Classroom Details

Chicago, IL
Donation: $331
Mr. Trowbridge's Classroom


Paint Tempera Versa Temp Gallon With Pumps Set Of 6
Paper Drawing 24X36 90# Pk/250
Crayola Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors Set Of 240
Marker Crayola Broad Line Original Classpack Set Of 256
aper Wht Drw 24X36 50# 250 Sht 
Sharpie Fin Blk Canister 36/Pk
Paint Tempera Orange Gallon 
Paint Tempera Purple Gallon 

From the Teacher

Thank you. Your contributions to my students mean a lot to me, but more importantly the mean a lot to my students. Before we had art supplies my students always ask me "when can we paint." I've always told them that our budget doesn't allow for that. Now that we have the supplies that we need to effectively teach art, my students are applying their knowledge into practice. The pictures I have uploaded showcase my students having fun painting and some of the artwork that they have created. It's remarkable what children are capable of when given the right tools. Art work is the most archival product of humanity. With any luck some of these works of art that you have funded will be studied by historians a hundred years from now. On behalf of Clarence Farrington Elementary School , Thank you again.

-Mr. Trowbridge

From the Students


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