` ` Classroom 106 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 106

Classroom Details

Boise, ID
Donation: $526
Mrs. Nickel's Classroom


Brother Cs6000I Feature-Rich Sewing Machine 
Elenco Snap Circuits Green - Alternative Energy Kit
Snap Circuits Sc-300
Lego Education Wheels Set 4598357 (286 Pieces)
Lego Education Large Building Plates 4570274 (4 Pieces)
Fiskars 8 Inch Amplify Razoredge Fabric Shears (2)
K&Company 12-Inch By 12-Inch Best Of K Paper Pad, 360 Sheet
Lost And Found Paper Stash By Tim Holtz Idea-Ology, 36 Sheets

From the Teacher

It is with much emotion that I thank you for supporting my project that has the potential to benefit every student in my school. My students will now have access to opportunities in the Library Maker Space to dream, create, learn with others, work with community experts, and share their projects. As a result of your donation, my students will have many opportunities to be college and career ready. I know they will feel pride in their accomplishments and have increased self-esteem. Thank you so much for your generosity.

-Mrs. Nickel

From the Students


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