` ` Classroom 107 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 107

Classroom Details

Watsonville, CA
Donation: $544
Ms. Mekdeci's Classroom


Awt Table Rack - 10" X 18", 50 Shelves
Prang Watercolor Pan Master Class Pack
Self Portrait Mirror - Single Sided
Hisonic Hs120B Portable Pa System
Richeson 88 Lb Bulk Pack Watercolor Paper - 9" X 12" Qty: 625
Crayola Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, Classpack, Set Of 240

From the Teacher

The VAPA (Visual And Performing Arts program) truly appreciate your donations. Personally, I believe arts are essential in every school at every grade. Without art nothing would exist in our world. Your donations have allowed us to inspire these younger students to be creative. It is in the act of being creative we access both sides of our brain. Now, with common core as the standard for learning, the arts must exist in schools. It is through the arts program that we can promote Depth of Knowledge at the higher levels 3 & 4 required by the common core standards. I imagine that soon all academic teachers will work in collaboration with the VAPA teachers giving all students a well rounded higher level education. Your donations help make this possibility and reality.

- Ms. Mekdeci

From the Students


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