Classroom Details |
PurchasedEpson Powerlite 97 LCD Projector |
From the Teacher
Thank you for providing the resources necessary for my class to have a projector in my classroom. It has been a vital part to my instruction virtually every day and in most of my classes. When the projector and the new speaker arrived and was setup, they were excited to use On-line resources as a class and to try out the new speakers! Since receiving the projector, our classes have been able to use power point presentations and other On-line resources for students to actively learn about music composition and music history.The resources that were provided to my classroom has allowed my students too begin to use technology in our music class room. Having the ability to use a projector and such a powerful speaker, has given me the opportunity to expand my lessons to use electronic resources. With the projector my students have been able to begin to compose music as a class, using the computer and composition software to work as a team to compose music using a set of guidelines. In addition, my students have used the new speaker system to listen and begin to appreciate music at a higher level.
-Mr. Donath
From the Students