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PurchasedDigital Recorder Bundle |
From the Teacher
If I had no technology in my classroom I would be denying the basic fact that my students are growing up in a world in which adequate access to technology has to be guaranteed, mandated almost. Access to adequate technology opens possibilities in the classroom, makes possible a whole range of activities and projects and meaningful educational moments that force me to extend the range of my teaching skills. This is true of the podcast my students produce (the one for which we needed new equipment). Through the new recording equipment you kind donations helped us access my students are able to use technology that falls outside of the traditional technology they normally use (i.e. computers, cell phones). This allows them to expand their technological experience, something they can brag about in their college applications and resumes. This excites my students, gives them a competitive edge.
There are some students for whom the pursuit of Journalism is now more tangible than before. One is even applying to internships at some local newspapers. Your donations allowed for this to become a possibility.
Thank you. Really. It is people like you who give me hope and who inspire my students to be giving and generous.
Mr. Reconco
From the Students