` ` Classroom 165 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 165

Classroom Details

New York, NY
Donation: $98.19
Mrs. Bennett-Fordyce'
s Classroom 


From the Teacher

Thank you for your generous contribution to my student's learning experiences. We are so excited about our wonderful supplies. The students were very anxious to begin using the things that were given to them. We have started to put our supplies to use by creating and mailing out Thank You cards to you our Donor. We will not be able to spread our BUTTERFLY wings until the weather is warmer. However, the box is in constant sight giving us something to look forward to!

As we opened the boxes that you sent, the students could not help but allow their mouths to drop from the sight of the material that you have sent. They at once wanted to search, touch, and experience everything. It was like Christmas in September.

The next steps for my classroom is to continue creating great learning centers for my students to continue with their learning process. The more innovative learning centers that are available to them gives them a choice and voice while also enhancing the connection and application of concepts in their studies.

Again, thank you for making so many students smile and look forward to a bright academic learning year.

With gratitude,
Mrs. Bennett-Fordyce

From the Students


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