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From the Teacher
Thank you so much for your contribution to my photography class. My photography students were thrilled to have another opportunity to work in the traditional darkroom. They love the tactile experience of working with the photographic chemicals and paper.The Cliche Verre process was a continuation of their photogram experience. In order to learn the steps for processing photographic paper, my students produce photograms. Photograms are contact prints. The students bring in items that vary in transparency, lay them on the photographic paper, expose the paper, remove the items, then process the photographic paper. They learn the times for the developer, stop bath, fixer, and wash. The darkroom is such a fun photographic experience, I wanted to find another project for them to do in the darkroom.
The Cliche Verre project was the perfect choice. It is also a contact print process. This time, rather than bringing in objects, the students drew on acetate to create a negative. They used the india ink and calligraphy pens to draw on the clear acetate. After they created their drawing, they were able to lay the acetate on the photographic paper and make a photographic print.
After the students dried their prints, we scanned them into the computer. They used Adobe Photoshop to invert their images, making the blacks white and the whites black. I gave the students a choice as to which print they liked better.
Finally, the students mounted their favorite version of their print. Not only are we submitting them here, but I am also entering them into a local exhibition. This exhibition is called Student Gallery. Art students from all over Tidewater will be participating in this juried show. I am so pleased to have cliche verre prints to enter.
Thank you so much for your support!
With gratitude,
Teacher Graham
From the Students