Classroom Details |
From the Teacher
Thank you for your donations! Everyone was very excited to use the multicultural markers and crayons. Our multicultural self portrait project was a blast to make and the students appreciated being able to show off their skin color with the new materials. If you had been in our classroom when we started our self portraits, you would have seen a million excited, glowing faces awaiting the new diverse boxes of coloring materials. The positive energy was abound as the coloring sticks came out of their boxes and the children took them in their hands. This was the moment they've been waiting for since the dawn of this Donor's Choose fundraiser. This was it! The only disappointment for the children was that they could not adopt the coloring sticks and bring them home. But, they can glory in their presence in our art room and that's just what they plan to do. That is, until the coloring sticks are all used up.We thank you for all you do.
With gratitude,
Ms. Roman
From the Students