Classroom Details |
From the Teacher
Thank you so much for sharing with my students. We have been using the materials that you so generously donated to our class. We have just finished all of the science units for the year and we are reviewing and going over curriculum that the students haven't mastered yet.We have been graphing the weather everyday using the weather boards. We have recorded the current weather and producing forecasts. It is beneficial for the students to get to make these predictions. We have reviewed reflection and refraction. The mirrors and prisms were a huge help, before the grant I had one prism for 22 students. When the topic of ecosystems was studied, the biome posters were a beautiful and informative addition to the classroom. It was a great way to compare and contrast the different ecosystems. One of the new items we received has been a huge hit, the students love the friction ramp.
I waited to open up the boxes with my students, you should have seen their little faces. It was "science Christmas ". They helped me label everything and then the playing started. These materials have brought so much excitement to the lab.
These materials will continue to enhance my science classroom. As soon as the STAAR exams are over we are going to create tv weather reports with the weather stations. This will be a fun and creative project as we wind down the school year. Words can't express my gratitude and sincere appreciation for your willingness to help my students in their pursuit of excellence. Thank you so much.
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith