` ` Classroom 282 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 282

Classroom Details

Waco, KY
Donation: $80.75
Mrs. Turner's Classroom


Activity - Lexington Children's Theatre

From the Teacher

Thank you so much for your donations that allowed us to attend The Lexington Children's Theater. The students were thrilled to watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas" in a fancy theater. They were all amazed at the chandeliers, gold wallpaper and paintings, spiral staircases, and statues. Every student sat in awe as they watched the performance. This was many students' first time in a big city. It was an adventure to watch the excitement in their eyes as they had the opportunity to ride an escalator, cross a pedway, and walk through tall city buildings. We appreciate you helping make this opportunity possible. I am sure it will always be a memory treasured by all.

With gratitude,
Mrs. Turner

From the Students 


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