` ` Classroom 312 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 312

Classroom Details:

Troutdale, OR
Donation: $175
Ms. Friedland’s Classroom


218pcs Embroidery Floss Cross Stitch Threads with Organizer Storage Box • 176pcs Embroidery Floss Set, Complete Set of Tools

From The Teacher

Dear Public - Supply,

Thank you so much for the embroidery thread! The students are excited to delve into the project and learn a new skill set. For the finished piece, we are been working on a material exploration of fabric design. The students have created Batiks in the theme of different emotions and over the next few weeks will be learning different embroidery techniques to apply to the completed Batik fabrics. The students and I are very excited to see this project to fruition, as it is showing them so many new techniques. Thank you again, and I look forward to sharing the project ! Best wishes~

With gratitude,

Ms. Friedland

From The Students


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