` ` Classroom 324 – Public - Supply
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Classroom 324

Classroom Details:

Milwaukee, WI
Donation: $315
Mrs. Mc Innes-Hansen’s Classroom


Crayola Colored Pencil Set, 36 Count (x30) • Oxford Composition Notebooks, College Ruled Paper, 100 Sheets, 12 per Pack (x3) • Crayola Multicultural Colored Pencils, 8 Assorted Skin Tone Colors

From The Teacher

Dear Public - Supply,

Thank you so much for this amazing new composition notebooks. They were so excited! For many it was the first time having a place to record emotions and working through their ideas. At first the students were sketching their ideas about how they view rain. They kept holding their pictures up to show even though they were not finished. So cute!

The arrival of the notebooks coincide with new colored pencils. The students are learning different aspects of both the social acceptance as well as emotional needs. Even now students are showing such growth and interest in helping others.

My plans moving forward include other class projects that don't require screen time for various emotions related to weather in which the notebooks can be used to keep their creativity flowing at all times as ideas strike them.

With gratitude,

Mrs. Mc Innes-Hansen

From The Students


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